If you are a new user to eyeglasses, you’ll soon learn that lens care and eye care go hand in hand. One of the common issues you’ll encounter is how to keep your lenses clean. You’ll soon be amazed by how much dust and debris collect on the front of your lenses, so keeping them clean is important.

Try getting in the habit of cleaning your lenses every morning and starting the day with clean and clear lenses. To clean them off, all you need is warm water and ordinary dish soap. You can even use a normal cotton cloth to wipe them dry. Fancy sprays and microfiber cloths aren’t necessary. Just make sure the soft cloth you are using is clean.

Throughout the day, don’t use your shirt to clean them off. The reason for this is because your shirt collects dust, so when you rub it onto your lenses, you are more likely to scratch them. Use a clean soft cloth.

At night before you go to bed, put your glasses in a safe place. Placing them in their case is your best bet, to avoid them collecting dust overnight. Following the steps above will help ensure the longevity of your lenses and help form habits of good eye care.

If you have any questions about how to protect your lenses call us 877-871-1684 for more information.



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