There are many factors to consider when buying a new pair of eyeglasses, including style, shape, size and color. Harvey Moscot, owner of optical brand MOSCOT, recommends the following general tips:

Contrast: Choose glasses that contrast the shape of your face. Curved shapes will soften angular features and, conversely, angular frames contrast nicely with rounder features.

Proportion: Eyeglasses should match the proportions of your face. You don’t want large frames that make your head appear too small.

Face Shape: Knowing your face shape will help find the most complementary frames.

Heart-shaped faces are non-symmetrical with wide foreheads and cheeks as well as narrow or pointed chins. Try frames that are wider at the bottom than the top, as well as rimless frame styles. For faces that are wider at the bottom than at the top, try frames that are heavily accented on the top, the better to emphasize the upper part of the face.

Square-shaped faces feature wide chins, often referred to as a strong jawlines. Square-shaped faces tend to be symmetrical with wide cheeks and forehead. Choose eyeglass that soften the angles of a square-shaped face and make it appear longer. Narrow, oval frames are ideal.

Round faces have soft jawlines without angles, wide cheeks and a rounded forehead. To make a round face appear thinner and longer, choose narrow, rectangular eyeglass frames to lengthen the face, along with a clear bridge to widen the eyes.

Oval Faces are symmetrical, with a jawline narrower than the rest of your face. The cheeks tend to be wider than the forehead. The balanced proportions of an oval face need frames as wide as the broadest part of the face to help maintain that balance.

Since you may only own one or two pair of eyeglasses at a time, you might as well choose eyeglasses that compliment your best features. Our eye care professionals can help you find the perfect frames for you and can be reached at 877-871-1684.

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